The stages of ICO launch and development process

18 May. 2020

ICO launch and development main

After a brief lull, the ICO markets have begun to bloom once again and are seeing gradual but steady increase. But not all launched ICOs see the light of the day and end up turning unsuccessful. As we saw in our previous blog on ICO, although ICOs reduce a lot of paperwork hassle and are fast resources of crowdfunding, there are multiple stages of ICO launch and development process which need to be traversed through to finally see the dawn and get launched successfully.

ICO launch and development graph

In this article, let us touch base upon the different stages of the ICO launch and development process and how an ICO launch and development company helps agencies sail through the tedious process smoothly.

Step-by-Step Guide for ICO Launch and Development

Any company initiating an ICO envisions a successful ICO launch and development process. This can be achieved through proper planning and execution of the following steps.

Blockchain Simplified, a top ICO development company in Pune, India provides complete ICO launch and development services including ICO ideation, evaluation of token model, whitepaper reports as well as Pre and Post ICO services. Please visit for more information.

Below is the step-by-step approach of Blockchain Simplified for the ICO launch and development process.

ICO launch and development stages

ICO Planning & Analysis

Once a company decides to launch an ICO, thorough evaluation and research of the business model is a must. Market experts examine and inspect the viability and practicality of the idea and try to gauge if it actually has the potential to attract investors. Before the ICO launch and development, it is also important to take into account the possibility of integrating the business idea onto Blockchain. Along with Blockchain, several other technical aspects and requirements also have to be thought about. The ICO launching or development company then presents the idea in the market via multiple platforms to assess the interest of investors in the project. Based on constructive and critical feedback, the ICO idea is re-worked and re-generated.

Whitepaper Report creation

After the initial ICO ideation process comes the creation of Whitepaper reports.. Writing an effective and genuine whitepaper is a very crucial step for the ICO launch and development process. The credibility of the whitepaper - that contains complete information about the business model, true details about existing investors, transparent display of the fund generated and proposed expenditure of funds etc - is the foundation of any ICO launch. Therefore, hiring an experienced ICO development company, which not only gives useful strategies but also provides assistance in whitepaper report creation is a good option.

ICO Website Designing

Designing a user-friendly, easy-to-navigate ICO launch website is also a task that should not be undermined. A website providing relevant and convincing information immediately captures the investors minds and attracts them towards the ICO. Hire a web development company skilled in UX/UI designing for designing and building a captivating and engaging ICO launch and development website.

Pre-ICO Marketing Services

As much as ICO development is necessary, it is as well important to promote and advertise it on pertinent and relevant channels. A good-looking, useful ICO website is deemed useless if people remain unaware of it. Marketing the ICO launch website via online digital channels like Telegram, LinkedIn, YouTube etc is quite essential to the ICO launch and development process.

ICO Token evaluation and development

While ICO apps and ICO tokens can be built on any Blockchain platform, the Ethereum dApp development seems to be the perfect candidate for ICO launch and development. Due to its smart contracts and ERC-20 token functionality, many companies prefer to launch their ICOs on Ethereum. Ethereum not only facilitates the creation of dApps on its platform, but also enables the development of ICO tokens or ICO coins as well. Development of ICO tokens on Hyperledger Fabric using smart contracts and FabToken is also possible.

Smart Contract development

Any dApp for ICO launch and development would require the development of smart contracts to implement complex business logic for ICO tokens. Blockchain ensures reliability and transparency using smart contracts development for automation.

Cryptocurrency wallet development

Ofcourse, investing in an ICO involves a lot of cryptocurrency exchange. To register the transactions of sending, receiving, storing ICO tokens or ICO coins, a cryptocurrency wallet is a must. Hire a cryptocurrency wallet developer from a cryptocurrency wallet development company who are experts in Cryptocurrency wallet development.

Post ICO services

Once the ICO launch and development process is completed, it is then opened for ICO token sale and exchange. Investors are allowed to exchange their fiat currencies in lieu of ICO tokens or ICO coins.

Cryptocurrency Exchange platforms

An important part of the ICO launch and development also includes listing the ICO tokens or ICO coins on multiple cryptocurrency exchange platforms as part of the marketing and advertising to enable trading.

Blockchain Simplified, a top ICO development company in Pune, India, provides end-to-end ICO launch and development services and assistance. Please visit for more information.

ICO Launch and Development : Closure

ICO launch and development working

The above image represents how an end-to-end ICO launch and development process is designed and developed on Ethereum.

ICOs are promising and are back with a bang in the cryptocurrency markets and will see continual growth in the coming days. It is a convenient and “easy approach” way of crowdfunding beneficial to many SMBs and startups.

About Blockchain Simplified

Blockchain Simplified is a Top blockchain development company in Pune - India which works on all major Blockchain requirements. We specialise in Blockchain, Web and Mobile development (One Stop Shop for all technology development needs).
Our clientele includes Multiple Funded Start - Ups, SMBs and few MNCs few of which are NASDAQ and NSE listed.

Some of our work includes,

Blockchain based- - is a Live app with 100,000+ downloads, All-in-One Cryptocurrency current account. The entire development from scratch carried out by Blockchain Simplified.

All in one Platform - Complete responsibility of entire software development of the platform ,for a $1m funded blockchain start up, led by a team of serial entrepreneurs and tech veterans in Silicon Valley.

Well funded Blockchain startup - Blockchain Simplified helped a $6m funded American Blockchain startup to build the first blockchain protocol to leverage on-chain smart contracts to manage distributed storage of application data off-chain.

Multinational Bank - The company helped one of the top 3 ranking Multinational Banks to integrate various cryptocurrencies into their banking application.

and more…


SHC - Built entire platform and app from scratch for a $1m funded startup led by a team of Americans including PhD degree holders.

VMW - Developed app for a multi-national company providing mass factory-to-factory shipment services. App is being used by 53 of the Fortune 500 companies such as John Deere, Coca-Cola, Nissan.

and more…


Blockchain Development : Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Corda, and more.
Mobile App Development : Android Native, iOS Native, React Native, Flutter, Xamarin.
UI/UX Design : Strategy, Planning, UI/UX Design, Wireframing, Visual Designs.
Web App Development : Node.JS, Angular, React.JS, PHP.
Backend Development : MongoDB, MySQL, AWS, Firebase.

Visit our official website for more information.